18 April 2024

ACCID and La Salle Barcelona – Universitat Ramon Llull sign a collaboration agreement

Both entities formalize collaboration links to carry out activities of mutual interest

ACCID, l'Associació Catalana de Comptabilitat i Direcció, and La Salle Barcelona – Universitat Ramon Llull, international university center with seven areas of knowledge, reach an agreement to formalize collaboration links and carry out activities of mutual interest that benefit the groups that are part of it. The agreement comes from the campus's strategy of establishing alliances and collaborating with associations and entities that work to consolidate relations between the academic and business spheres.

At the agreement signing were present the AACID President, Montserrat Casanovas; the General Director of the campus, Josep M. Santos, the Dean of the Faculty of International Business and Digital Economy, Chris Kennett; and the Chief of Staff, Nina Hofmann.

ACCID is an association that works to be a link of union for professionals and academics working in Catalonia in the field of accounting. It was founded in 2002 by Col·legi de Censors Jurats de Comptes de Catalunya, el Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya, i el Col·legi de Titulats Mercantils i Empresarials de Barcelona. Later, Col·legi de Secretaris, Interventors i Tresorers de Catalunya, i el Col·legi Oficial de Gestors Administratius de Catalunya were incorporated.

The ACCID complements the tasks carried out by the colleges and associations that are part of it through actions such as improving transparency and disseminating financial information; the promotion of the debate on current accounting; the promotion of research; and the organization of conferences, conferences and congresses. This series of actions aligns with the academic and research activity that takes place on the La Salle Barcelona campus.