Degree in Management of Business and Technology La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Management of Business and Technology

Internationality, technology, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, values, and both people and team management are the keys to define this degree. Includes international stages.

Major sports event management

The event industry has grown and diversified dramatically during recent times. From the mega-events of the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup and the Expo, to local-level celebrations, events are run with the same basic management and organizational principles. This course aims to provide students with an insight into these principles and is structured following established theories of event management, although a critical perspective is maintained throughout and innovation sought where possible. The defining characteristic of this course is the practical application of theory, provided through students participating in the organization of a real event.
Type Subject

Titular Professors


The objectives of this course are to:
1. Define the determinant characteristics of events
2. Understand the historical development of events
3. Analyze event management as a continuous learning process
4. Establish an effective organizational structure for an event
5. Experience the importance of the interrelationships and interdependence between the functional departments of event organizational structures
6. Improve planning, organizational and communication competencies in the practical organization of an event
7. Adopt roles of leadership and team member in order to achieve collective goals
8. Leverage of event impacts and legacies
9. Evaluate the effectiveness of event management processes and improve on them


1. Introduction to events management.
a. Different definitions of events.
b. History of sports events.
c. Sports events characteristics.

2. Main components of sports events.
a. Sports events overview.
b. Demand and sports tourism.

3. Sports event management process.
a. Overview of the different steps in the event management process.
b. Environmental analysis.
c. Organizing an event: The keys to successful management of logistics.

4. Communication and marketing.
a. How to develop a marketing plan for an event (customer behavior, segmentation, positioning, 4Ps).

5. Finance, resources and stakeholders.
a. Answering the key event questions, partners and activities.
b. Keys to successful financial management of events (revenues, costs, management processes).
c. Event design and key resources, costs and revenues.

6. Event design.
a. Master plan draft and marketing plan draft.

7. Executing events.
a. Keys to successful event execution: the importance of event day.

8. Evaluation and legacy.
a. How to evaluate the success of events. Analysis of major events impacts and long-term legacies.

9. Sports events innovation. Sports events adaptation.
a. Major trends in sports events.
b. Impact of digital transformation.


The class sessions will involve a dynamic combination of theory and practice. Students will be provided with background theory sessions on event management processes after which the classes will become managerial meetings. Students define, plan, organize, execute and evaluate their own event by working in and between departments.


Portfolio of 4 case studies 20%
Final project / Event 60%
Attendance and active participation 10%
Egg Hunt Event 5%
Class activities 5%

RETAKE POLICY. As this course is based on practical experiential learning, there is no re-take exam. Students failing the course will be required to re-take the entire subject. Not attending to execute your event is equal to failing the course. No excuses.

Basic Bibliography

-Shone, A with Parry, B (2010) Successful Event Management: A practical handbook, London: Thompson Learning 3rd Edition.

Additional Material

Graham, S et al. (2001) The Ultimate Guide to Sports Marketing (2nd edition), New York: McGraw-Hill.
Masterman, G (2004) Strategic Sports Event Management: An international approach, Elsevier. ISBN 0 7506 5983 1.
Watt, D (1998) Event Management in Leisure and Tourism, Longman